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Добавлено editorik879, Среда, Март 26, 2014 - 02:50

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Добавлено editorik879, Среда, Март 26, 2014 - 02:49

Eve of war was raging at the World Cup finals. Was watching or reading, has been a dilemma for students and schools. This year, the Shanghai school every ball will no longer block, but to guide students to rediscover itself and the world from the winning. Today, the magazine sponsored by the Shanghai education---we see football World Cup raises the topic of education seminars, these two seemingly unrelated things education and soccer have narrowed according to the survey, June 4, the opening match of the Chinese team, Shanghai has nearly 40% of primary and secondary schools by adjusting the class organize students to watch the game. Gu Xiaoming,fifa coins a Professor of sociology at Fudan University believes that this phenomenon reflects the expansion of education. Students from this particular set of "homework" realized despite setbacks, the team spirit in the experienced Milutinovic books such as "happy football" also make people rethink Shanghai is advocating the idea of "fun." Once trained Sun Wen and Tao Luna, Zhu Jianhua of elite athletes such as Datong high school principals said Yang Minghua, "happy football" was realized by international confidence, wisdom and fun football, "happy education" from heavy children learning "hard labour" liberated, enjoying the pleasure of learning. However, such advanced ideas often hitting in front of real competition.

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