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Добавлено luren, Четверг, Апрель 10, 2014 - 01:06

Since being first produced in 1973, the Nike Blazer has adorned the feet of a lot of basketball players, professional or otherwise. Available in both high top and low top trims, it provides enough performance advantages that it's been the weapon of choice of 1970s ballers. The most notable user of the Blazer is NBA legend George Gervin, one of the best athletes during that time and one of the first representatives of Nike in the NBA. But as basketball shoes continue to progress, little by little the Blazer was phased out. But while this shoe is now not considered to be a hardcore basketball shoe anymore, nike blazers vintage a Nike Blazer in 2012 still remains very much relevant. So what is the secret behind the lasting success of the Blazer? Other than holding a significant place in the basketball history of Nike, its clean, near flawless silhouette is a perfect fit for just about every style-conscious person. Regardless if you are wearing it with jeans or fanren410 track pants, there's a good chance that it can fit into your outfit. Also, its clean styling makes it a great canvas for placing just about any color combination imaginable.

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Добавлено dvaadventure, Среда, Апрель 9, 2014 - 09:14

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Добавлено coins, Среда, Апрель 9, 2014 - 07:41

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Green Bay has a record of 10-6 straight up and 9-7 with soccer opportunities as they reduced under the finish 10 times. Defending administrator Dom Capers has acquired a awesome position.

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Добавлено samsonencko, Среда, Апрель 9, 2014 - 03:32

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